Half Marathon Calendar

Jul 18, 2016

All-Out Dog Days Half Marathon in Westminster Colorado

The July 23rd, 2016 All-Out Dog Days Half Marathon in Westminster, CO is a double out and back course, mostly on the Big Dry Creek Trail, and is a mixture of paved & soft surface. The course elevation ranges up and down beetween 5200 and 5300', and appears to be some rollers througout. Tech shirts for all participants, medals for finishers, walker friendly, free race pics, and good food at the finish, including breakfast burritos! The event also has a 10k, a 5k, and a new competitive 1 miler. Direct link to event can be found on the Colorado Half Marathons page.

#coloradohalfmarathons #coloradohalfmarathons2016 #Julyhalfmarathons #AllOutDogDayshalfmarathon #walkerfriendlyhalfmarathons